Solicitor spends hours in call queue for update on abuse injunctions Taken from the Law Society Gazette 22 April 2020 By Monidipa Fouzder A solicitor spent a total of two-and-a-half hours in one day waiting on the phone to the courts to get an update on two emergency...
The reality is that domestic abuse during lockdown is reaching terrifying proportions. Murders have doubles and calls to helplines are up by over 700%. This will be the tip of the iceberg as the practical problems of lockdown with partners and children at home will...
Words fail me. This is completely shameful. We need to shape up and ensure that all those involved in the Family Justice system understand abuse and use the powers we have to make the process a fair one. This cannot wait. You can download the full judgement here...
Protect victims of domestic abuse and their children Open letter to Party Leaders The Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP The Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP Jo Swinson MP House of Commons London SW1A 0AA 05 November 2019 Dear Party Leaders, Re: Protect victims of domestic abuse and...
To the Rt Hon David Gauke MP, We are a group of concerned family and human rights lawyers, working in-house in women’s organisations, in private practice and at the Bar, who support the letter sent to you by a group of over 120 cross-party MPs calling for an...
Why is our system placing children at risk? More than 120 MPs led by Louise Haig MP have written to the government asking for an inquiry into how family courts in England and Wales treat victims of domestic violence. At least four children have been killed by a parent...
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