Solicitor spends hours on a call for update on abuse injunctions

Solicitor spends hours in call queue for update on abuse injunctions Taken from the Law Society Gazette 22 April 2020 By Monidipa Fouzder A solicitor spent a total of two-and-a-half hours in one day waiting on the phone to the courts to get an update on two emergency...
Better protection for those at most risk

Better protection for those at most risk

The reality is that domestic abuse during lockdown is reaching terrifying proportions. Murders have doubles and calls to helplines are up by over 700%. This will be the tip of the iceberg as the practical problems of lockdown with partners and children at home will...
Extended hours service for those most at risk

Extended hours service for those most at risk

Extended hours service for those most at risk We remain deeply concerned about women who may be trapped at home in light of Covid-19 and may be at risk. We are offering extended hours so that we can provide a service up to 10pm every weekday evening in order to...
Corona virus/COVID-19 update

Corona virus/COVID-19 update

  At Beck Fitzgerald we remain completely committed to delivering services to all of our clients during this difficult and uncertain time. Our priority is the health and safety of our employees, clients and the people we work with.  We are therefore closely...
Judges’ outdated views cause serious concern in the family court

Judges’ outdated views cause serious concern in the family court

Listen to Jenny Beck’s interview on Women’s Hour discussing how outdated practice in the family court fails women’s justice and what should happen next. The interview takes place 14.19 minutes into the programme. If you...