Funding your case
Hourly rates
We are wholly committed to a transparent pricing structure so that you understand the likely costs of your case from the outset and can make informed and cost effective decisions as to how your case is run. We work together with you to provide you with the legal advice you need at the time you need it so you can stay in control. We have a range of hourly rates depending on the qualification of your legal adviser. We work together in teams so that you can have the benefit of the expertise of a Senior Solicitor whilst still keeping the costs down by having any appropriate work done at a more junior level.
Our hourly rates range from £150 per hour to £400 per hour exclusive of VAT.
Divorce services
We offer a consultation which lasts for an hour and costs £350 exclusive of VAT. During the meeting we can give you clear, concise advice on your legal situation and the options open to you. This meeting is followed up by a letter of advice.
Legal Aid
We are wholly committed to advising, assisting and representing clients wherever possible through legal aid. Legal aid is still available for family law cases in certain circumstances. The legal aid financial eligibility tests change from time to time, to view the most up to date information please go to If you are in any doubt as to whether or not you could be eligible to legal aid please contact us for further advice.
Recent changes to the means test help with the trapped capital rule.
We continue to campaign for change to make the eligibility rules for legal aid fairer. One of our brave clients worked with us to help change the law in respect of capital trapped in a home which cannot be accessed. For more information please contact us.
Please contact us now on or 020 7101 3090.